Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus warns against blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, highlighting the peril of a hardened heart that rejects the Spirit's work. Just as the Pharisees' scepticism led them to deny Jesus' miracles, attributing them to demonic power, many today exhibit similar unbelief by resisting the Holy Spirit's empowering presence. This modern scepticism, often fueled by fears of charismatic excesses or theological rigidity, risks mirroring the Pharisees' rejection and hardening of heart. Believers are cautioned to remain open to the Spirit's work, avoiding the pitfalls of becoming contemporary Pharisees who deny the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

The Role and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament

The Holy Spirit's work in the Old Testament was characterised by selective and temporary empowerment for specific tasks, often focused on leadership, prophecy, and creation. This vision is fulfilled in the New Testament, where the Holy Spirit is portrayed as permanently indwelling believers, guiding, teaching, empowering for service, and #sanctifying them. This shift underscores the continuity and fulfilment of God's #redemptive plan through the work of the Holy Spirit across both testaments. #BrendonNaicker #Swindonchurch #swindonchurches #theologyschool #HolySpirit

The Spirit works in conjunction with the Word of God, not independently of it!

Some argue that studying doctrine, theology, or church history is unnecessary for faith, but this view is misleading and contradictory. Doctrine, rooted in Scripture, is essential for a stable and sound Christian faith, as emphasised by the Apostle Paul. Without it, believers are vulnerable to false teachings. The Holy Spirit brings Jesus' teachings to remembrance, requiring familiarity with Scripture. #Christianity #Doctrine #Theology #ChurchHistory #Faith #BiblicalTeaching #HolySpirit #ApostlesCreed #EarlyChurch #OrthodoxBeliefs #SoundTeaching #ChristianEducation #TheologicalStudy #SpiritualGrowth #swindonchurch #brendonnaicker #theologyschool #churchesinswindon

Prophecy: A Gift of the Holy Spirit

The gift of prophecy, highlighted in 1 Corinthians 12:10, involves receiving and conveying divine messages. This gift, meant for edification and guidance, is rooted in biblical examples like Agabus's prophecy to Paul (Acts 21:10-11). Prophecy points to Jesus, as emphasised in Revelation 19:10 and Hebrews 1:1-2. #swindonchurch #churchesinswindon #prophesy #brendonnaicker #theologyschool

Beyond Working for Christ to True Submission

In today's Christian communities, there's a growing trend of treating faith more like a project or a cause than a deep, transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. While service and ministry are essential, they cannot replace genuine discipleship and submission to Christ's lordship. True holiness begins with a heart that aligns with Christ’s teachings, showing love through obedience. It's about taking up the cross daily, prioritising His will over personal desires. True holiness is reflected in an inner transformation that bears the fruit of the Spirit, guided by a dynamic relationship with Christ. Let's move beyond treating our faith as a checklist and embrace a life wholly surrendered to Him. #brendonnaicker #swindonchurch #churchesinswindon #theologyschool #churchmatters #discipleship

The Book of Hebrews – Holding Fast in the Face of Faith’s Marathon

Jewish believers face persecution and are tempted to return to traditional practices. The author of Hebrews encourages them to persevere, highlighting Jesus' superiority over angels, prophets, and the Levitical priesthood. Jesus is the ultimate High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, offering a perfect, eternal sacrifice. The letter warns against unbelief and urges steadfast faith, using heroes of faith as examples. Believers should fix their eyes on Jesus, endure God’s discipline, and remain steadfast in trials. Faith, the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things not seen, is essential for pleasing God and inheriting His promises. #Faith #Endurance #Jesus #Hebrews #Perseverance #Christianity #Belief #GodsPromises #Trials #swindonchurch #brendonnaicker #theologyschool

The Heart Matters: Paul’s Truth vs. Pharisaic Bluff

This blog contrasts the Apostle Paul's genuine, Scripture-based approach to judging and rebuking falsehood in the church with the Pharisees and Sadducees' superficial and self-serving methods. While Paul was motivated by a sincere love for God and the spiritual well-being of the church, focusing on restoration and growth, the Pharisees and Sadducees sought human approval and maintained control through legalism and hypocrisy. The difference in heart orientation—Paul's towards God and theirs towards man—highlights the importance of integrity and genuine devotion in the church today. #swindonchurch #brendonnaicker #churchpractise

The True Source of Hatred Towards the Church

In modern society, disdain for the Church often stems from historical abuses, but a deeper analysis reveals that this hostility is more about a resistance to the Church's core message of absolute truth and moral transformation. Critics frequently reject the Church not solely due to its past missteps but because it calls for a surrender to a higher authority and a life of holiness in Christ. This article explores how the true source of animosity towards the Church is a prejudice against its divine demands, highlighting scriptural passages that underscore the necessity of walking the narrow road. #ChurchHistory #AbsoluteTruth #MoralTransformation #ChristianLife #Holiness #JesusChrist #NarrowRoad #swindonchurch #churchesinswindon #swindonchurches #brendonnaicker #theologyschool

Paul’s Letter to Titus

Paul’s letter to Titus provides practical guidance for church leadership and Christian living, emphasising sound doctrine, godly character, and the comprehensive impact of salvation on every aspect of life. By living out these truths, believers can demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel. #swindonchurch #swindonchurches #brendonnaicker #theologyschool #titus

Christian Lecturer Fired From Christian College – Criticising the Acceptance of Homosexuality in the Church

Dr. Aaron Edwards, a Christian lecturer dismissed by Cliff College for expressing traditional evangelical views on homosexuality via a tweet. The case, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, highlights significant concerns about religious freedom, academic expression, and the treatment of conservative Christian beliefs in educational institutions. The outcome could set a crucial precedent for the rights of individuals to share doctrinal views without fear of professional repercussions. #brendonnaicker, #swindonchurch, #theologyschool

The Book of Ephesians

Paul's letter to the Ephesians is a profound encouragement for Christians living in a city dominated by pagan worship and magical practices. He reassures them of Jesus' supreme power over all spiritual beings and highlights their exalted position with Christ in the heavenly realms. #bookofephesians, #brendonnaicker, #theologyschool, #swindonchurch #churchinswindon

The Changing Values of the Church

In today's shifting cultural landscape, the Church often measures success by #worldly standards like numbers and influence. Yet, true ministry lies in faithfulness to Christ's teachings, as exemplified by Jesus’ rejection of human flattery and temporal power. This blog calls for a return to #Christ-centred values, warning against the dangers of political entanglements and materialism. By focusing on transforming individual lives through the #Gospel and following the Holy Spirit, the #Church can maintain its true #mission and offer a clear witness to the world. #churchesinswindon #swindonchurch #swindonchurches #brendonnaicker #authentic